Are you suffering from the conditions lipoedema or lymphoedema and are you looking for honest and expert advice? Clinique Dr. Dr. Don has a comprehensive treatment package for lipoedema, lymphoedema and severe cellulite. Our treatment package comprises both surgical treatments, and non-surgical treatments, depending on your situation and preferences. Combinations are also possible, but this depends on the physician's treatment advice. You can always rely on us for honest and expert advice.
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Doctor Donald Ottens has extensive experience in treating lipoedema and lymphoedema with liposuction. Recently, we became the first clinic to offer the possibility of treating lipoedema with a liposuction system that completely spares the affected and painful areas. Each area can be treated with a hydrojet system that powerfully but gently flushes the fat from the body, so that the fat cells are permanently washed away. Best of all, much less anaesthesia is needed and patients recover faster from the procedure. Patients can resume normal activities sooner and return to their daily lives. Excellent results are achieved with the WAL liposuction technique.
Watch Dr Don's video in which he explains Lipoedema in detail and discusses how it can be treated:
Brochure about Lipedema?
Dr Don wrote a special brochure on lipoedema. It contains a full review of all the information on lipoedema including treatment, techniques and additional information.
Lipoedema brochure
High standards for the final result
Dr Don sets high standards for the final result of liposuction. Simply removing the desired amount of fat is therefore far from sufficient. Dr Dr Don follows the structures and skin lines of the body part where the fat is to be removed in order to avoid lumps and dimples whenever possible. After all, you want results worth flaunting, and an even stomach or leg is what we're after. That is exactly what Dr Don strives for.
Firm skin with great elasticity
For a smooth and tight result, firm skin is necessary. However, not every skin structure has this to a sufficient extent. The reason may be reduced skin elasticity or the patient's lifestyle, for example. Should some irregularities (dimples and/or bumps) appear after liposuction, Dr Don can fill or flatten them at a later time. In that case, a second treatment (much less invasive) is necessary to make the skin as smooth as possible.
Please be advised that completely smooth and even skin following liposuction is not possible if you are over the age of 25. Naturally, the result should be such that you can proudly show off your legs or belly, and Dr Don will ensure that this is the case.